RPM Service CZ a.s.

Company Headquarters:
Moskevská 63, 101 16 Prague 10 (Narex Premises)

ID Number: 27176428, Tax ID Number: CZ27176428
Account No.: 51-1569700217/0100
The company is registered in the Municipal Court in Prague,
section B, insert 12665


Get a quote: obchod@rpmservice.cz
Other inquiries: rpmservice@rpmservice.cz

Phone: +420 272 099 600

Our location

Metro line A (green): Strašnická station
Bus: 101, “Vršovický hřbitov” stop
Trams: 6, 7, 19, 22, 24, “Koh-i-noor” stop

Contacts for branch offices

map of branch offices

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Are you interested in our services? Do you need more information? We are ready to prepare a tailor-made solution for your premises. Contact us via the email addresses and phone numbers above and we will prepare a quote or provide our expert recommendations.

We are looking forward to our cooperation.

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